some of the more intimidating topics so you can focus on the excitement

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The morning will be started with pre-rounding, making a list, and going around the patient list together with your team. The idea behind this is similar in every hospital, though the specifics may vary. Most likely, you will be able to go around with an entire team of residents. This could include everyone from an intern up to the chief. Sometimes there may even be an attending present. Sub-I responsibilities can change depending on team makeup and individual goals. Therefore, my advice is to be open with your sub-I. You should ask on your first day of work what expectations your team has (it’s sometimes best to speak to the intern), and then do everything otorrinolaringologo barranquilla you can to meet them.

You must do your best to prepare the list of patients. Your team will be very grateful. Be alert to ensure that lab values, room number, and any other relevant information is recorded correctly. Your team can teach you the best way to go about this, so be sure you’re focused and attentive. You should be prepared to make copies of your list and distribute them amongst the members of your team. As an elite sub, I will be keeping track of rounds of the patient’s name and reason for their visit. List your patients to make sure you don’t forget anyone.

You should always look up a patient that you expect to see. Do not memorize all the details, but look up every aspect of a patient’s case, including their clinic notes, H&P, imaging, etc. Remember any questions that you may have, such as how a diagnosis is made or if there was an unusual presentation. Discussions with residents or attendings in OR are a good idea. You can also use this to show that you are doing the nightly prep!

Your H&P will likely be presented to those attending. Keep to the same order every time! In doubt, make a formal and informal presentation if requested by an attendee. Third-year students are now expected to create a realistic assessment/plan. Here’s where reading and research can help. Before your formal presentation, don’t hesitate to consult your ENT Secrets guide or do some research on a particular disease. Discuss your plans with the resident, if one is available.

You will most likely present a Grand Round-style presentation at the end of the rotation. If you are collaborating with an attending, it can be helpful to use a case that was seen in the OR or clinic as inspiration. You should choose a topic that medical students can understand. The presentation is usually 10 minutes. Select something that you’re interested in.

A research topic is another option. Don’t be afraid to dress up (pack your suit). You should start thinking about it at least two weeks before your presentation. This is the impression that you will make to the department.

Sub-Is are usually looking for letters of recommendation, whether it’s from the home rotation or a program abroad. It is possible to ask for a letter of recommendation at different times during the rotation. I suggest asking in early to mid-rotation to allow time for writers to become familiar with you while still having time to assess your skills. Ask residents to give you advice about who should write the letter. Be open with your attending about how important it is to receive a high-quality letter. Once again, communication with the attending is essential.

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